lunedì 3 settembre 2012


Lode al Pitale di Argìa Sbolenfi

Paolo Poli e Umberto Eco

LA DONNA E IL DRAGO - the woman and the dragon

This is the website where you can download the film is you're in USA:

Short synopsis: The main matter it’s the abandon. In this case the abandon it’s caused by law that provides jell as punishment for injuries caused towards society.
A punishment that falls from mothers on their children with painful consequences on women world.
The economic benefits that would occur from this movie will be entirely invested in studying for a deeper and more democratic communication.
Brief Italian press:
“LA DONNA E IL DRAGO – THE WOMAN AND THE DRAGON” was winner at the VI Festival of Como and received the price for the best direction at Santa Marinella Film Festival.
The Como’s magazine wrote: “
“The movie by Rodolfo Bisatti has  moved the audience. People  got so deeply involved to let us talk about of “cinema’s revelation”.
A cinema far away from what we’re used to watch, away from famous celebrities, from screenplays too settled that touch the audience using easy emotions, a cinema far away from a direction that celebrates itself.
A cinema that concedes space to meditation, such as Tarkovskij and Kieslovski way of working, so, at this point, it was impossible to affect the jury.
I’m sure that who has watched “the woman and the dragon” won’t forget it”.
“The woman and the dragon” is winner of this VI edition of Como Film festival and that was an extraordinary, powerful, involving and useful visual experience”